From the Healthful Elements blog…

Healthful Elements - help for Hypothyroidism / Hashimoto’s and more

Below are links to Jill's thyroid health posts on her Healthful Elements website.

How to Get a Great Night's Sleep

We’ve all heard the advice that a getting a good night’s sleep is critical for good health. Indeed, it is. Sometimes that’s easier said than done, right? And can we get a good night’s rest even in the face of stress? Yes!

The Risk: Thyroid Hormone Replacement and Osteoporosis

A long-known risk of thyroid hormone replacement use is bone mass loss. With millions on thyroid drugs, no one wants to hear this. I’ve been talking about it for many years, and now, mainstream media is covering it. It’s certainly not the only risk of thyroid HRT, but it’s one that’s in need of some serious consideration.

The Many Hidden Dangers of Fluoride

Until the 1950s, fluoride was administered to those with hyperthyroidism to *suppress* thyroid function. But there are many other serious concerns around this toxic halogen and the EPA recently lost a landmark case where the court ruled that fluoride poses “unreasonable risk of injury to health of the public.”

Hormones and Their Effect on the Brain

While many factors play a role in cognitive health, hormones affect everything, especially our brains. This post details just how important our hormones are for emotional regulation, mood, and cognition.

How to Optimize Thyroid Hormone Conversion

While optimizing thyroid hormone production is obviously necessary, one often missing and critical piece of the conversation is thyroid hormone conversion…converting “the lame duck” to “the big daddy.”

Glutathione: Ultimate Immune Guardian

Glutathione is a powerful immune-boosting, cancer-fighting, autoimmunity-taming antioxidant that many experts are just coming around to fully understanding.

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